Puducherry MTS Hiring (Vacancies: 2 - Male Candidates only) This form takes almost 10 to 15 minutes to fill in. Please access this form only from a computer. Full Name(Required) Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Contact Number(Required) CV Resume(Required)Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 8 MB.Interview QuestionsWill you be able to join on a short notice?(Required)Yes, I can joinNo, I need more timeWill you be able to handle complex and complicated tasks?(Required)Yes, I canNo, I am not sureHow strong are you in communication?(Required)0 to 25%25% to 50%50% to 75%75% to 99%How do you prioritse work?(Required)Enter the planWrite a simple Instagram caption for an Awards event?(Required)Use the appropriate Hashtags tooWhat is your actual strength to handle Professional requirement?(Required)Consent(Required) I agree to the privacy policy.